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Undergraduate scholarships for international students in USA

Undergraduate scholarships for international students in USA

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It is well known that the United States provides quality education, and so every year thousands of international students do their best to apply for American universities. However, high tuition and high cost of living force many students to experience some financial barriers. Luckily, there are a lot of undergraduate scholarships for international students studying in the USA as well which enhance the possibility of pursuing higher education. These scholarships particularly include visa sponsorship, and cover tuition fees and living expenses, hence many are able to realize their dreams of going to study in the USA.

In interest of addressing liquid shortage on current policies of numerous scholarships further down in this MGI guide various undergraduate scholarship opportunities for international students will be unfolded with the necessary steps and when possible the financial requirements will be discussed in order to assist in costs of studying.

Why Study in the USA?

Before going into great depth regarding the scholarship options at hand, it is beneficial to consider the reasons underlying such a great number of international students going to the USA, in the first place, for further studies:

Top Of The Higher Learning Institutions: The USA is home to popular universities that are recognized across the world for example Harvard, MIT, Stanford and the university of California among others. These institutions also have been rated based on their research, qualified staff and wide range of courses offered.

Various Academic Programs and Courses – One can have a taste of a plethora of bachelor’s degree programs, right from engineering, computer science, liberal arts to medicine and business in the USA. They facilitate students to engage in inter disciplinary studies and take additional subjects that go with their products.

Creation & Development – It is known that the USA is the most advanced country in terms of research and invention. Students actively engage in research, asylum, and working / learning with practices that are helpful in building their careers.

Varied Ethnicity – American colleges and universities are well-known for their ethnic makeup of students. International students have the possibility of gaining education in the United States and broadening their limits and ideas.

Employment – The USA is one of the strongest economies in the world and has many multinational corporations based in it. Studying in the USA provides opportunities for internships, work experience, and permanent employment within the country as well as prospects outside of it.

However, the cost of education in the USA is quite high for most people. There are scholarships for students from other countries which could help ease the cost significantly.

Types of Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students in the USA

International students can apply for a number of scholarships, grants, and sources of finances available. These scholarships go beyond just the U.S. government and some private organizations or even the universities of the students, there are programs which offer scholarships as well. Let’s consider what are the major types of scholarships for undergraduate students.

  1. Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are given according to the level of attainment of students in academics, non-academic activities, leadership positions or sometimes based on social work done by the students. These scholarships help evaluate student’s capabilities and help to bring the brightest and the best holders to the USA for education.


Clark Global Scholars Program: At Clark University, this scholarship available to first year international students is devoted to leadership and academic commitment. Provides partial or full tuition scholarships.

Cornell University International Scholarship: This institution avails aid to international students of excellent academic performance but lacks means to pay for their schooling.

  1. Need-Based Scholarships

Need-based scholarships are awarded to qualifying students who evidence that they are in a disadvantaged condition. On the other hand, for merit based scholarships, these are usually used for applicants whom based on their performance in academics along. Due to the presence of need, these types of scholarships are given to that segment of the students who are unable to pay their educational costs.

Illustrations: Policies Regarding Financial Aid for International Students at Harvard University: There is financial assistance to foreign scholars at Harvard based on the proven need by such scholars. The financial aid package ranges from 0 to 100% of the financial need as presented.

Policies on Financial Aid for International Students at Columbia University: Several students from abroad who are not able to pay for their education can apply for scholarship grants from Columbia University.

  1. Awards Provided by the State or Local Authorities There are numerous awards provided by the government that can be utilized by foreign students. Such education programs are usually aimed at improving international relations and cultural interaction and exchange.

Examples: Fulbright Foreign Student Program: The Fulbright program allows foreign students to study at an undergraduate, graduate or carry out research in the USA through the awarding of scholasrhips. It also carries provisions for airfare and living expenses as well as medical insurance.

EducationUSA Opportunity Funds Program: The funds offered help international applicants who can, in principle, be accepted exchange with US colleges and universities but need funding for application and visa fees and ticket purchase.

  1. Awards Available at Certain Universities. In addition to that, there are many US universities which offer scholarships specifically designed for international students. These scholarships may be on an exclusive or pro rata state related to the financial position of the student.

Examples: Yale University International Scholarship: Yale provides financial help to foreign students and within this category the need coverage is rewarding as low as 90 %.

Stanford University Financial Aid for International Students: International students are given financial assistance according to their needs when studying at Stanford and have still proven financial needs.

  1. Program-Specific Scholarships

These types of scholarships are meant for students taking up either selected major or a specific field of study. For instance, scholarships really useful for the students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) because of the shortage of people working in these fields may have more funding opportunities.


The American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship: This global impact scholarship is offered for international students pursuing undergraduate level program in selected fields of study and who have demonstrated potential that may lead to leadership positions in their home countries.

University of Miami Stamps Scholarship: It is a merit based program currently available only to undergraduates from Asia Pacific countries doing selected programs like engineering, business or arts. The scholarship caters for tuition, room and board and other enrichment factors such as study abroad and leadership training programs.

  1. Private and Organization-Funded Scholarships

Apart from the government and university scholarships, there are many organisations and founding bodies which provide scholarship programs for offshore students. These range from paying partial tuition to offering full sponsorship.


The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program: Mainly, it is targeted to postgraduate scholars, but in some cases applicants who study development fields at undergraduate levels may also apply for the funding.

Davis United World College Scholars Program: The program collaborates with certain Colleges and Universities in the U.S. for the award of scholarships to United World College Students.

  1. Sports Scholarships

Highly talented sports personalities who can play for the university in sports like basketball, soccer, track and field, swimming and many others can be granted sports scholarships. Courses of these scholarships can cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs which makes them very cutthroat.


NCAA Scholarships: Colleges and universities in the USA that are members of the NCAA give scholarship awards to International students who participate in sports competitions. Such scholarships like this are highly awarded but require not only academic excellence but also sporting excellence.

How to Apply for Undergraduate Scholarships in the USA

It is crucial to understand that making an application for conducting scholarships as an overseas applicant is quite a hard endeavor. There is a specific eligibility criterion for each of the scholarships and at times it can get really competitive. Below is a stepwise procedure that will guide you through the free scholarship application process and improve your chances of obtaining a scholarship.

  1. Start Early

Scholarships often entail the successful completion of many steps and so, an early start is advisable. Survey in detail on the different types of scholarships being offered to you and make a list of the ones you qualify for, if any. Deadlines are critical, and steps that involve submission of job documents should always be taken with close consideration to deadlines.

  1. Research Eligibility Requirements

There will always be a different criteria that denotes the scholarship eligibility requirement of a scholarship. A merit-based scholarship comes with a higher level of emphasis based on the academic performance while other funds are based on housing needs, sporting activities and leadership. Check to see that you meet all requirements, if any, before giving quite a hasty application for a given scholarship.

  1. Gather Required Documents

Generally, a scholarship application requires at least some basic documents such as:

Academic records

Reference letters

Documents showing the need for assistance (for assisted scholarships)

Sufficient scholarship essay if that subject is required

Results from exams like SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS etc.

All these documents should be properly compiled and stored before one embarks on the application.

  1. Crafting a well-written Personal Statement.

Working on a personal statement is among the main requirements of the scholarship application. It allows you to demonstrate your achievements, reasons why you are worthy of this support, and how this goes hand in hand with your career ambitions. Among these are academic, co-curricular and community service and perhaps leadership skills as well.

  1. Ensure that your Application is Submitted on Time

The application must be sent before the deadline, at the very last minute or any other time on the following day. Therefore, you have to ensure that you submit your application form before the cut-off date. Check that any other requirements have all been fulfilled before the application is submitted.

  1. Apply for every other Scholarship Opportunity Available.

When it comes to the arena of Scholarships, do not tether yourself to focusing on one. Appear for every other scholarship, which is unrolled to increase your chances of receiving economic development, which is reasonably advised. These opportunities will require submission of different papers, hence adapt your papers to suit the papers required for each.

How to Obtain Scholarships during Undergraduate Education in the USA (Guidelines for International Students)

The following strategies can be effective in raising the chances of securing an undergraduate scholarship for students outside the US:

Work Hard in Your Studies: As most scholarships are given based on accomplishments, it is important to note that one must perform well in academics. Undertake advanced classes, perform well, and do well in college entrance exams in the university you apply for.

Become Active in Non Academic Work: Such kinds of awards often go to those students who show active participation in additional education activities or leadership ones. Taking part in service learning, leadership, clubs, etc. will help you enhance your application.

Know Well and Build Healthy Reputation with Your Teachers: Recommendations are significant as they form a part of documentation needed for submission. Well, written and detailed recommendations from teachers who understand you most can boost your chances of winning the scholarship.

Write an Interesting and Gripping Statement of Purpose: In your opinion, the personal statement is the part of the application where quite a lot of attention should go because you are required to a lot more than the grades and rational scores. Ensure you express your willingness, motivation, and commitment to apply in the USA.

Demonstrate Financial Need: This is very normal in that most students now offering to apply for scholarships on the basis of needs may also be asked to give in. Make sure that you provide adequate information on your finances to help the scholarship board make the decision of offering assistance to you.


In summarizing, it can be stated that acquiring an undergraduate scholarship for international students in the USA is a thorough, detailed, and time-consuming process. However, thanks to the diversified approach of offering financial aid in the form of need-based vs merit-based, university- based vs government-sponsored, there are deserving students who can pursue their education free from the burden of financial stress.

Do the steps highlighted in this guide really work well and do they increase your chances of getting the much needed financial support to study in the USA on a sport scholarship, merit scholarship or need-based scholarship?

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